Henry Radiman: 15 Minutes with a Reluctant Leader


Henry Radiman ヘンリー・ラディマン

年齢 64歳 身長 185センチ

髪の毛 禿頭で灰色の顎鬚 目の色 茶色

誕生日 不明 誕生地 不明

称号 なし 評議会の広報官 加入 クラン/真実の評議会

家族 不明 趣味 小説と戯曲を書くこと。作曲、絵画、グリッド空間のデザイン

分析 謎。基本的情報不足。評議会に関わるより前の人生はほとんど発見できない。声は力強く不可解。創造的、技術的熟練であり、博識。カリスマ的。理想主義者。危険人物。大きな潜在能力を持つ−秘密の過去がコントロールの鍵か。

"I don’t think it’s fair to say that I lead the Council," says Henry Radiman in his trademark baritone voice. "I help the Council organise itself, and I’m its envoy. It’s important for the clans to speak with one voice," he adds. "We’ve been promoting differing agendas for much too long."


Talking with Radiman, we’re constantly reminded of his Omni-Tek counterpart, Philip Ross. Both are comfortable with their power, but uncomfortable with the constant attention and close scrutiny that comes with power. Both have proven themselves to be unique and charismatic leaders, but both make it very clear that they’re doing a job and that they answer to others. In Ross’ case it’s his superiors –in Radiman’s case it’s the clans, known for their internal discord and constant squabbles. An even harder job, then, wouldn’t he say?


"I cannot speak for Mr. Ross," Radiman says diplomatically. His presence, as always, is both intimidating and comforting; he has the unique ability to be both meek and dominating at the same time. His physical appearance only contributes to his power, and he has the aura and authority of a great stage actor, a man whose whispered voice reaches the back row of the auditorium.


"I can imagine his position being a hard one," Radiman continues, "but I cannot compare the two of us. I don’t know enough about him. As for the clans – yes, we argue. Yes, we disagree. Yes, we are sometimes unable to reach a consensus without compromise. That’s democracy," he stresses. "We’re not an autocratic corporation."


Efficiency is often a problem associated with the clans.


"Absolutely!" He’s quick to answer, but his follow-up is more considered: "You have to remember that we’re dealing with a diverse group of interests, some of which are in conflict. My mission is to find a common denominator, something we can agree on, something that unites us. None of us want to become exactly alike." He shakes his head. "That would make us just like Omni-Tek, and that’s precisely what we’re trying to move away from. We want to find a mutual platform, despite our differences, and work from that. Build the foundation first, then the house."


We’re speaking with Radiman in one of the Council of Truth’s meeting rooms in the Tir city centre. The room, like Radiman himself, is simple and unadorned. But the room projects power and importance. And it’s comfortable. Again, just like the man we’re interviewing. Our first fifteen minutes, in fact, are spent discussing Radiman’s love of the arts. Which is considerable.


"Oh, I’m an old-fashioned Renaissance man!" Radiman laughs, a booming, hearty laughter. "Not that my work is particularly accomplished. It’s a hobby, nothing more."


Many would disagree. Several of Radiman’s novels have sold extremely well, and there have been three major exhibitions of his art. Not to mention the concerts and the plays. How does he find the time?


Again, he laughs. "I don’t! There is no time for anything!" He pauses. The smile disappears. He gets serious.


"No, I take the moments I can find and I make the most of them. Creativity is a conduit for some – a lot – of the stress that comes with my position."


Our conversation turns from art to politics, and while Radiman seemed more than happy to discuss the former, he appears a bit tired with the latter. Especially when we ask him about the clans who refuse to partake in the Council.


"They have their reasons," he says cryptically. "The Sentinels have a public approval that’s hard to argue with. I find it unfortunate that Silverstone doesn’t wish to play a part in the Council and its efforts to forge a lasting peace. But we never reject his approaches. The Council’s job is not to split the clans, but to unite them, even if it means working with those who see no place for the Council."


And what about Omni-Tek’s plans for an amnesty?


"It’s hard for me to comment on that," Radiman says. "I don’t have enough information about Omni-Tek’s intentions, although I expect to be approached quite soon. It’s a positive sign," he adds, hurriedly. "Don’t get me wrong. I welcome any move on Omni-Tek’s behalf to find an end to the growing hostilities."


The past few months have indeed seen an increase in random encounters between rebels and Omni-Tek peacekeepers. Is he afraid of war?


"I always fear war. The situation is – has been – precarious for much too long. Some clans outside of the Council may even describe our current situation as a state of war. They fight and they die on a daily basis. But outright war? Yes. It’s always there, this shadow, hanging over us. This has to end. We need to find security and comfort on Rubi-Ka. We need a lasting peace accord and not just ceasefire after ceasefire. If the amnesty is genuine and if Omni-Tek’s intention is lasting peace – of course I welcome it. But again, I have heard nothing through official channels. I read your interview with Mr. Ross, I’ve heard the reports, and I expect that more announcements are forthcoming."


We’ve spent almost one hour with Radiman now – he’s been amazingly accommodating – but he has a meeting to go to, and he must leave. Any parting thoughts?


"I’m not one for clan propaganda," he tells us. "I’m not speaking with you to gain new recruits. I respect Omni-Tek’s employees, and I respect those who wish to remain neutral. But I do ask for respect in return. I ask for an understanding of what it is the Council, and the clans, stand for. That is my job, to create an understanding, to communicate our agenda, and to promote a lasting peace."


A reasonable request, one would think.


TAG is Rubi-Ka’s biggest independent news and entertainment source. "15 Minutes With..." is a regular TAG feature profiling the movers and shakers of Rubi-Ka’s cultural, political, and corporate landscapes.



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