

Affiliations F.A.Q. 



Getting a few questions about choosing affiliation that I guess everybody should get the answers on. 


Q: Why are only some affiliations described on the main site? 

A: Because we need our writer and editor to get the rest done, and they have a lot of other stuff to do right now. It'll come, and hopefully very soon. 


Q: Will being an independent clan put me outside the Story? 

A: First of all, we can't promise you a place in the story no matter what. We would of course like to involve everybody, but we're taking one step at a time, and doing what we can. 
Choosing to be independent only means you're not affiliating with any of the background clans / structures. We won't ignore you due to that. You can still be part of player alliances, or you can stay completely independent. No problem. 
If we don't get any affiliation from you, we guess you haven't seen the call for an affiliation, or don't care too much. 



Q: Is there a deadline for choosing affiliation? 

A: No. We will continue to collect affiliation for as long as we have to. Right now we're just getting started. We will later contact each leader individually if we still haven't gotten their affiliation. 



Q: Can we change affiliation later?

A. Yes. Clans can switch affiliations at their own whim (more specifically: The leader's whim). Omni-Tek might cause trouble for people changing affiliation; If you're in the future plans of Omni-Pol, but suddenly want to switch to Omni-AF, Sergeyich might not let you go that easily. 



Q: Can I lead one of the background clans / departments? 

A: No. 



Q: Can a player alliance replace a background clan / structure? 

A: Depends on what you mean with 'replace'. If you want to run the same agenda as e.g. Consolitated Clans, it's just a matter of becoming more influencal than them, and they might lose their impact completely. 
If you're looking to replacing the Council of Truth, you need to look at more than that; their contact with Omni-Tek, the Tir accord, etc. Might want to have a chat with Omni-Tek on the matter. 


A:貴方の取ってかわることを意味しているものによります。もし、貴方が同盟を組んだ組織と同じ議題を行おうとすれば、派閥以上の影響力以上になるかもしれないだけで、派閥の影響力を完全に失わせるかも知れません。 もし貴方が真実の評議会に取ってかわるつもりなら、貴方がもっとたくさんの事に目を向けなければなりません。彼らがOmniと接触し、Tir合意を締結したように。Omniと問題について話し合いたいと思うかも知れません。

Q: Can we affiliate with player alliances? 

A: Currently we do not have these in our database, but we might very well add them in the future. We do keep an eye on such alliances, so you're not forgotten at all. 
For Community & Events this would be more for observation purposes though, as we can't run a player alliance. While somebody here can control Radiman, Silverstone, Sergeyich or Prestion, we can't start logging in players' characters to have an alliance leader issue orders. 



Q: Will the affiliation be shown anywhere? 

A. Not currently. We're looking into ways of doing this, but no plans at the moment. Fear not, we will never let the others know you side with the Dust Brigade, unless it's in an in-character way. 




Ok, did I miss something? Might add more later. Leaving the thread open so you can add questions. 



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