





Player Warning: Crowd Limiting System Coming Up.
07 November, 2002
Gaute Godager - Game Director, Anarchy Online

ゴート・ゴージャ - ゲームディレクター、アナーキーオンライン

Game Director, Gaute Godager, has written an article about a new system to prevent overcrowding to be released along with The Notum Wars.

Let me first define what I mean with Crowd Limiting (CL). CL is a method where a player is either moved out from - or stopped from moving into an area that contains too many players for your client (and our server) to handle. It is also a system (in our case anyway) where you get an alternative location to log in if everything freezes up because of too many players.

This article is not the easiest of documents - and I am sorry about that. The content is complicated, the solutions and problems likewise. Also ? please understand that I don’t write this because it is a "nerf" - it is something that will flatly affect everyone to only a very small degree.
この記事は最高に易しい文章ではありません、そして私はそれを残念に思います。内容は複雑で、その解決と問題も同様です。そして - 私がNerfするために書いているのではないことを理解してください。それは何か、非常に小さな程度の影響をみなさんに平たくです。

I will handle details further down, but let me first explain the motivation.

Anarchy Online is getting a much more organised PvP system with The Notum Wars. You fight for a reason, to keep or obtain prerogatives. You fight for your organisation and for land. You fight for your side! Still - AO has to run on several different PC configurations from relatively low end - to state of the art high ends. They all have to meet and be able to participate. The Notum Wars is not meant to be a playable only by the people with a P4 3K.
アナーキーオンラインはノータムウォーズでもっと組織化されたPvPになるでしょう。戦うのには理由があります。特典を獲得し続けるためです。組織と組織の土地のために戦います。あなたの所属サイドのために戦うのです!まだ - AOはいくつかのことなるパソコン上で動いています。比較的低い性能の物から、素晴らしい高性能の物までです。かれらすべてが加わって会うのです。ノータムウォーズはP4 3Kを持った人々だけが遊べることを意味していません。

The AO engine also lets you personalise your character to very large degree. Several body forms (meshes) plus loads and loads of different clothes and looks (textures). Any player is today of course free to move wherever he or she wants.

If you connect these things you will see that we might possibly get a problem. People have experience what they call "lag" in many situations while playing the game. Usually this is when you get into an extremely crowded area with a lot of other players. To call this "lag" is actually a wrong definition of the problem. Most of the time this is not network lag, or the server running slowly, but what we call the "Resource Manager" loading new meshes and textures from the hard-disk of your computer or the loading of textures and meshes into the 3D card - to be able to display it all gloriously on your monitor :)
あなたが接続すると、私達がどうしても解決したい問題をあなたは見るかもしれない。人々が「ラグ」と呼ぶものをたくさんの状況でゲーム中に経験している。通常、それをあなたが感じるのは非常にたくさんのプレイヤーが極端に密集しているエリアです。「ラグ」と呼ぶには問題の実際の定義が間違っています。ほとんどの時はネットワークのラグではなく、サーバーが遅く動いているわけでもありません。しかし私たちが「リソースマネージャー」と呼ぶものが新しいメッシュとテクスチャーをあなたのコンピューターのハードディスクから読みこむか、テクスチャーとメッシュを3Dカードへ - なたのモニターにすばらしく表示ができます。:)

The problem is that people can actively start "exploiting" / "using" the dynamic loading of textures and meshes to make PvP'ing very difficult - even downright impossible. Yes, they actually have a huge motivation to do so! How: People can crowd in - so many with so many different looks - that other people coming into the area freeze up or sometimes experience client crashes when your computer tries to load more than the size of the 3D card memory. (You get lock-ups from infinite swapping...)
問題は、人々が積極的に「利己的に始められ、そうできる」ということです動的にテクスチャーとメッシュを読みこみながらではPvPをするのが非常に難しいでしょう - 全く不可能でさえあります。そう、彼らはそうする大きな動機付けをしています!どうやって人々は群衆に入るか - たくさんの、そしてたくさんの違いすぎる見た目 - 他の人々がエリアに入りだし、あなたのパソコンの3Dカードのメモリー以上の読みこみをしようとして、固まるか、何か他のクライアントクラッシュを経験するでしょう。(永遠にデータスワッピングしているのを見ることができます……

We have discussed this for a long time - what the exact problem is, and what we can do about it.
私たちはそれについて長い時間議論をしていまし - 厳密に問題は何なのか、そして私たちは何をそれにすべきなのか。

The first thing we have done is to work a lot on optimising the resource manager and rendering system of the AO engine. If you play in the booster pack beta you might notice quite a higher frame-rate in many cities (like Omni-Entertainment.) This is from optimisations that all players will get with the 14.7 patch. We have done several other optimisations too, but there will always be a physical limit that people can exploit (even though we have pushed that limit...)

We are then left with a few choices:

We can leave it the way it is and make people crash out when they enter a severely crowded area.

We can make a simple Crowd Limiting system that says first-come-gets-to-stay.

Or we can make a "fair" Crowd Limiting system that tries to understand the PvP situation and balance the fight.

We quickly dropped "a" - this was not an option. You should never hang up or crash out. We should never make a game where getting others to hang - crash - is rewarded.
私たちはすぐに「A案」を捨てました - オプションではありませんでした。あなたは決してハングアップまたはクラッシュアウトはしないはずです。私たちはハング-クラッシュ-他のことで報いられるようなゲームを決して作るべきではない。

Still - and this is very important - we are very, very anxious to make a system that is not noticed by the player in any situation besides: the one where things would normally break! We also want to make sure that the system is configurable to be enabled only in the places where PvP makes crashing others a method of fighting.
まだ - そしてこれは非常に重要です - 私たちはどんな状況にプレイヤーにもそれを気づかれないシステムを作ることを非常に切望しています:状況は通常壊れるところのひとつを!さらに私たちはシステムをPvPで戦闘中にクラッシュが起こる場所だけで動くように作りたい。

Digression: I confess that writing about this makes me uncomfortable. In an ideal world I would very much have liked to have a system were we could handle any number of characters with an infinite number of polygons and textures with 120 frames per second on any PC. Sadly, and of course realistically, no matter how good your technology and PC are (today) you can make it slow down and ultimately hang by moving enough polygons and textures onto the screen... I wish saying "we need a crowd limiting system" felt less like giving up. But then, ignoring this because you want to optimise performance more would be very dangerous too... Let me assure you though, this will not be a cushion in our effort to optimise!

We decided thus on option "c" as this will make the system behave more focused. Let me explain the details of our crowd limiting system that will come to everyone with the booster pack patch (14.7):

We will stop players from moving into an area before their systems hang.

You are warned before you enter the crowded area. This is around 80 meters away from the crowd.

Where it is relevant - that is in Land Control areas: We will monitor the number of attackers and defenders and try to make it 50/50.
関連のある場所 - ランドコントロールエリア:私たちは攻撃側と防御側が50/50になるように監視するでしょう。

This means that a big force crowding together from one "side" (i.e. attackers) will not stop the other side (defenders) from getting into the area.

But additional characters from the attackers will not get in.

As defenders move in, and the sum of characters is above the legal limit - attackers will actually be moved out. (And vice versa.)
■防御側が入ってきて、キャラクターの合計が制限に達する - 撃側は実際に外に出されるでしょう。(そして反対側も)

This leaves you with a decision to make sure there are enough people with you of the various professions. If you have only ONE character holding the whole attack together, you will have to be very smart and protective of that character. Spread out, not crowd in and force the crowd limiting system to kick in.

Players trying to gain access to a too crowded area through teleportation, logging in or "zoning" (shifting playfield) will be stopped or get an alternative log-in place.

You are stopped from zoning in or teleporting (i.e summoned by an engineer) in if you are in a legal playfield already. You will simply be told "no-can-do" and remain in your old place.

If you try to log in and can't do it because the area is too crowded, your character will be able to log into another less crowded area.

The point is simple - you WILL be able to log on!
○要点は単純です - あなたは入ることができるでしょう!

We are also anxious that we get a good discussion going around this.

Should the definition of too crowded include a high-end client with minimum graphics settings?

Or should the definition of too crowded be a low-end computer with maximum graphics settings? Where should we draw the line?

Should we include this system in other popular sites where slow frame-rate is a problem? (i.e inside Camelot?)

Ok - I hope you have a clear understanding of our challenge and our possible solution. This is not easy material. Hopefully it will be something that most players will not notice 99,9% of the time spent on Rubi-Ka.
よろしい - 私はあなたが私たちの挑戦と可能な問題解決について明瞭に理解してくれることを望みます。これはやさしい資料ではありません。ほとんどのプレイヤーがルビカですごす時間の99.9%気がつかないものになることを望みます。

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Gaute Godager
Game Director Anarchy-Online



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