Skill Name Level Health Buff Point Learn

0 Charred Wolf Meat 1 61 0 Default Stringy Wolf Meat

0 Herb Baked Egg 1 61 Sta Spi 2 Default Small Egg Mild Spices
0 Roasted Boar Meat 1 61 0 Default Chunk of Boar Meat

1 Brilliant Smallfish 1 61 0 Vendor Raw Brilliant Smallfish

1 Crispy Bat Wings

1 Slitherskin Mackerel 1 61 0 Vendor Raw Siltherskin Mackerel

10 Kaldorei Spider Kabob 1 61 Sta Spi 2 Quest Small Spider Leg

10 Spiced Wolf Meat 1 61 Sta Spi 2 Trainer Stringy Wolf Meat Mild Spices
20 Scopid Suprise

Razor Hillの露店
25 Bear Basted Boar Ribs 1 61 Sta Spi 2 Quest,Vendor Crag Boar Rib Rhapsody Malt
35 Roasted Kodo Meat

50 Boild Clams 5 243 Sta Spi 4 Trainer Clam Meat Refreshing Spring Water
50 Coyote Steak 5 243 Sta Spi 4 Trainer Coyote Meat

50 Goretusk Liver Pie 5 243 Sta Spi 4 Quest,Vendor Goretusk Liver Mild Spices
50 Longjaw Mud Snapper 5 243 0 Vendor Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper

50 Rainbow Fin Albacore 5 243 0 Vendor Raw Rainbow Fin Albacore

Stormwind運河の桟橋、Darkshoreの漁師、Longshoreの漁師、Sen'jin村の漁師、Rut'theran村の漁師、Minethil Harborの漁師、Undercityのお店
50 Strider Stew 5 243 Sta Spi 4 Quest Strider Meat Shiny Red Apple
60 Blood Sausage 5 243 Sta Spi 4 Quest,Vendor Bear Meat Boar Intestines Spider ichor ThelsamarのクエストかStormwind旧市街の酒場
60 Thistle Tea 5 100e Sta Spi 0 Quest,Vendor Swiftthistle Refreshing Spring Water
75 Crab Cake 5 243 Sta Spi 4 Trainer Crawler Meat Mild Spices
75 Westfall Stew 5 552 0 Quest,Vendor Stringy Vulture Meat Murloc Eye Goretusk Snout WestfallのクエストかStormwind旧市街の酒場
80 Crocolisk Steak 5 243 Sta Spi 4 Vendor Crocolisk Meat Mild Spices
80 Dry Pork Ribs 5 243 Sta Spi 4 Trainer Boar Ribs Mild Spices
85 Cooked Crab Claw 5 294 0 Quest,Vendor Crawler Claw Mild Spices
90 Clam Chowder 10 552 0 Vendor Clam Meat Ice Cold Milk Mild Spices Darkshoreの漁師、Longshoreの漁師
90 Murloc Fin Soup 15 552 Sta Spi 6 Quest,Vendor Murloc Finx2 Hot Spices
100 Bristle Whisker Catfish 15 552 0 Vendor Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish

100 Redridge Goulash 10 552 Sta Spi 6 Quest,Vendor Crisp Spider Meat Tough Condor Meat
100 Seasoned Wolf Kabob 15 552 Sta Spi 6 Quest,Vendor Lean Wolf Flankx2 Stormwind Seasoning Herbs
110 Big Bear Steak 15 552 Sta Spi 6 Vendor Big Bear Meat Hot Spices
Silverwind Refugeの商人
110 Gooey Spider Cake 15 552 Sta Spi 6 Quest,Vendor Gooey Spider Legx2 Hot Spices
110 Lean Venison 15 552 Sta Spi 6 Vendor Stag Meat Mild Spices
Silverwind Refugeの商人
110 Succulent Pork Ribs 10 552 0 Vendor Boar Ribsx2 Hot Spices
120 Crocolisk Gumbo 15 552 Sta Spi 6 Quest,Vendor Tender Crocolisk Meat Hot Spices
Menethil HarborのクエストかStormwind旧市街の酒場
125 Expert Cook Book

Silverwind Refugeの商人
125 Goblin Devild Clams 15 552 Sta Spi 6 Trainer Tangy Clam Meat Hot Spices
130 Curiously Tasty Omelet 15 552 Sta Spi 6 Vendor Raptor Egg Hot Spices
150 Tasty Lion Steak 20 874 Sta Spi 8 Quest Lion Meatx2 Soothing Spices
175 Barbecued Buzzard Wing 25 874 Sta Spi 8 Vendor Buzzard Wing Hot Spices
Arathi Highlandsの露店
175 Giant Clam Scorcho 25 874 8 8 Vendor Giant Clam Meat Hot Spices
Booty Bayの料理人
175 Jungle Stew 25 874 Sta Spi 8 Vendor Tiger Meat Refreshing Spring Water Shiny Red Applex2 Rebel Campの露店
175 Mithril Head Trout 25 874 0 Vendor Raw Mithril Head Trout

Darkshoreの漁師、Minethil Harborの漁師、Southshoreの漁師、Booty Bayの料理人
175 Mystery Stew 25 874 Sta Spi 8 Vendor Mystery Meat Skin of Dwarven Stout
Nijel's Pointの宿屋、Theramoreのお店
175 Roast Raptor 25 874 Sta Spi 8 Vendor Raptor Flesh Hot Spices
Rebel Campの露店、Theramoreのお店
175 Rockscale Cod 25 874 0 Vendor Raw Rockscale Cod

Darkshoreの漁師、Minethil Harborの漁師、Southshoreの漁師、Booty Bayの料理人
175 Soothing Turtle Bisque 25 874 Sta Spi 8 Quest Turtle Meat Soothing Spices
200 Dragonbreath Chill

200 Heavy Kodo Stew 35 1392 Sta Spi 12 Vendor Heavy Kodo Meatx2 Soothing Spices Refreshing Spring Water Nijel's Pointの宿屋
200 Spider Sausage 35 1392 Sta Spi 12 Trainer White Spider Meatx2

225 Cooked Glossy Mightfish 35 874 Sta 10 Vendor Raw Glossy Mightfish Soothing Spices
Booty Bayの料理人
225 Filet of Redgill 35 1392 0 Vendor Raw Redgill

Booty Bayの料理人
225 Spiced Chilli Crab


240 Hot Smoked Bass 35 874 Spi 10 Vendor Raw Summer Bass Hot Spicesx2
Booty Bayの料理人
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