Shadowlands tweaking III
Tuesday February 10th 2004

Game Mechanics

Fall damage has been turned on again. Beware!

To prevent players accidentally running off edges or into other dangerous situations we now cut the player some slack when performing dangerous moves and allow the situation to be corrected if done quickly. This might look a bit strange, with a character possibly running a meter off a cliff and back, but it's far better than players falling from Shadowlands to Rubi-Ka due to a half-second client lock-up while loading a set of textures.

The map window (local map) and the options panel have now been upgraded to fit the new GUI.

The NCU window in the new user interface now contains some information about NCU usage.

The code for Parry and Riposte has been turned off for now. This is due to many creatures in Shadowlands now having weapons able to parry / riposte. We feel the time to test and balance this on the test server has been too short, and don't want to risk making melee users a lot weaker in Shadowlands. We will enable it again when the next version is put on the test server.

Being stunned now prevents the use of perk actions.

The 40 meters maximum combat range cap is now properly enforced.

A faction bug has been corrected to allow faction gain from killing creatures of the same side / faction as you. This means obtaining the faction rating needed to change side should be a lot easier.

Fixed a bug that prevented level 220 characters from gaining faction.

Entering combat while lounging will properly return you to standing position and allow you to move.

Lounging now prevents the execution of nano programs.

A bug with cash transfers has been fixed. A trade bringing the recipient to a billion credits or more will now only give the recipient enough to get 999.999.999 credits. The remaining credits will be returned to the other character.

/list "profession" now also works for Keepers and Shades.

Nano Programs

The Agent escape programs have been modified a bit. The top program in the line has had its snare, root and stun resistance corrected to 95%.

A bug with the nano crystals for the Bureaucrat's new charms has been fixed. The programs can now be uploaded even if you currently have a charmed pet.

The team empowered Bureaucrat charm programs now show their team member requirements in the description.

Several nano programs have had their description updated to show the correct NCU cost of the program. This affects the Bureaucrat's Baton line, the Doctor's team health buff line and the Trader's Armor Class drain line.

Clan Keepers executing the Fury program will now be able to see the Righteous Fury attack icon in the new GUI.
クラン所属のキーバーはFuryプログラムを発動したときに新しいGUIでもRighteous Fury Attackアイコンをみることができるようになります。

Team Skill Wrangler no longer stacks with other wrangler programs.
Team Skill Wranglerはもう他のWranglerプログラムと重なりません。

The skill requirements for Lesser Anger Manifestation have been lowered, allowing new Meta-Physicists to use it without increasing their skills.
Lesser Anger Manifestationの装備条件を低くしました。新しいメタフィジシストはスキルを上昇することなく使用可能です。

Edited the description on the Face Graft programs.
Face Graftプログラムの記述を変更しました。

Executing the Training of The Executioner program is now accompanied by the correct sound.
Training of The Executionerプログラムを発動し終えた時の効果音を正しくしました。

Non-Player Characters (NPCs) and monsters

Eric Miller has returned to the Garden of Roch.
Eric MillerはGarden of Rochに戻りました。

Vendors in the Pandemonium gardens realized their business demands were a bit out of line and are now more positively inclined to trading with players.
Pandemonium Gardenの商人はプレイヤーの要求とのずれがあり、需要と一致していないと悟りました。

Vendors in Nascence and Elysium are no longer attackable.

The Unredeemed Baran-Kuirs finally failed their bluff check and have been chased out of the Redeemed temple in Inferno.
The Unredeemed Baran-Kuirsは遂にInfernoのRedeemed寺院から追放されました。

Spirits' special attacks now depend on Psychic instead of nano pool, and should give less extreme damage.

Clan guards are no longer in a temporary no-combat mode after spawning, but will gladly kick Omni-Tek butts from the moment they are born.

Breiflabbs have given up their attempts at becoming successful land creatures and moved back to the safe waters.

The leaders among the Pandemonium inhabitants have grown tired of chasing down their opponents and learned some new tricks.

Fixed a pathing issue that could cause some creatures to run randomly around instead of chasing their opponent.

Soul Hungry Demons have gotten some practice in appearing in the correct spot, i.e. not inside walls.
Soul Hungry Demonは正しい登場の仕方を幾つか学びました。つまり、壁の中にでない、とか。

Ecclesiast Gal Ilad and Prophet Abad Mord can perform an item trade that should be wanted by some players.
Ecclesiast Gal IladとProphet Abad Mordはプレイヤーの求めに応じ取引にこたえるようになります。

Creatures fond of shouting threats and similar messages at their enemies have learned to shout at their enemies not themselves.

The Anti-Molokh has changed coloration and should be less painful to look at.

Roaming Dryads are now visible to human eyes.
Roaming Dryadは人間の目でも見えるようになります。

Odqan has gotten some coloration.

Pulcinella the Atrox now actually looks like an Atrox.
Pulcinella the AtroxはちゃんとAtroxに見えるようになります。

The "Emissary of Jobe to the Gardens of the Xan" has been renamed just "Emissary of Jobe".
Emissary of Jobe to the Gardens of the Xanは単にEmissary of Jobeという名前に変わります。

Horatio Campbell has been ordered by Omni-Pol to get dressed or leave Omni-1 immediately.
Horatio Campbellはオムニ警察から着替えるか、直ちにOmni-1から退去するよう命令されました。

Supply Master Smug has learned to spell "pieces".
Supply Master SmugはPiecesという綴りを覚えました。

Imp Disruptor no longer gives experience (XP) when killed.
Imp Disruptorを殺しても経験値は得られません。


The level 255 blueprints needed for the quests for Garden and Sanctuary keys in Inferno can now be charged by using lower level crystals.

Ardent Gulu Van and Acolyte Cama Hume have found a way to force powerful creatures to manifest if someone supplies them with enough insignias.
Ardent Gulu VanとAcolyte Cama Humeは十分なInsigniaを供給するために強力な生き物に運ばせる方法を見つけました。

Professor Dedlock will now hand out the Jobe-Chipped Cyberdeck to all Nano Technicians completing the third specialization.
Professor Dedlockは三段階目の専門化を達成したすべてのナノテクニシャンにJobe-Chipped Cyberdeckを手渡すようになります。

The Key to the Garden of Roch is now handed out as a reward for the quest to receive it.
The Key to the Garden of Rochはクエストの報酬として手渡されるようになります。

Ergo's trial quests for Elysium, Scheol and Adonis now give a very nice experience bonus.
Elysium、Scheol、AdonisでのErgo's trialクエストは非常によい経験値ボーナスをくれるようになります。

Clarified the description regarding killing a demon in the quest for The Key to Gilthar's Sanctuary.
The Key to Gilthar's SanctuaryクエストでDemonを殺すことに関する記述をわかりやすくしました。

Changed the wording regarding novictalizing the blueprint to better reflect the requirements of the quest for The Key to the Garden of Roch.
The Key to the Garden of Rochクエストの必要条件をわかりやすくするため、設計図のNovictalizing(訳注:?)記述を変更しました。

You no longer need to use an item on Weary Empath as part of the quest for the Key to Roch's Sanctuary. It's enough to just target her.
もうThe Key to Roch SanctuaryクエストでWeary Empathにアイテムを使わなくてもターゲットするだけで十分になりました。

Sipius Gil Ilad-Ulma will no longer give you a deaf ear regarding the quest for the Key to the Garden of Gilthar if you have previously handed him the letter.
Sipius Gil Ilad-Ulmaにすでに手紙を渡しているときにThe Key to the Garden of Giltharクエストに必要なDeaf earを渡さないでしょう。

Ecclesiast Ocra Lux will now be willing to let you start over on the quest for the Key to the Garden of Ocra if you have previously failed the quest.
Ecclesiast Ocra Luxはあなたが以前にThe Key to the Garden of Ocraクエストに失敗していたときに喜んでやり直させてくれるでしょう。

Prophet Eckel Roch will now allow you to start over on the quest for the Key to the Garden of Roch. Also, Hypnagogic Urga-Xum Roch will put you back on the right track again if you hand him the Complete Blueprint Pattern of Weary Empath Min-Ji Liu.
Prophet Eckel RochはThe Key to the Garden of Rochクエストのやり直しをさせてくれるようになります。さらに完成した設計図をWeary Empath Min-Ji Liuに渡していれば、Hypnagogic Urga-Xum Rochは再びクエストをやり直させてくれます。

Acolyte Enel Wei will now be quicker in returning the sealed letter and let you be on your way to complete the quest for Key to the Garden of Enel.
Acolyte Enel Weiは封印された手紙を早く返してくれてKey to the Garden of Enelを終わるための旅に戻してくれるでしょう。

Ecclesiast Gil Jha is now quicker to return the note you hand him and explain what you need to do next.
Ecclesiast Gil Jhaは次になにをすべきかすぐに書いて戻し、何をすべきか説明してくれます。

Edimmu, Emissary of Arallu, Humbada, Sursunabu and Blood of Eridan will now drop their most wanted loot more often, just like Ershkigal has done for a while.
しばらくの間、Ershkigalが行ったようにEdimmu、Emissary of Arallu、Humbada、Sursunabu、Blood of Eridanは最も求められているアイテムをよく落とすようになります。

Some NPCs that need to be killed as part of a quest in Scheol have become fearless to avoid them running off edges and being impossible to reach.

Unredeemed Roch no longer risks spawning half-way into a wall.
Unredeemed Rochは壁の中に湧かないようになります。

Malah Filio no longer de-spawns when she is handed the wrong items or no items.
Malah Filioは間違ったアイテムか、アイテムを渡されなかった場合にもう消えません。

Mr. Blake has relocated from Omni-1 to Rome, and has updated his mission coordinates.

Mr. Blake and Lt. Echholt will only speak with Omni-Tek employees from now on.

Added some quest feedback regarding completing quests while teaming with higher level players.


A new Incarnator can be found in Pandemonium.

Fixed a bug with several dungeon entrances in Inferno. These dungeons are now open for exploration.

The size of team missions has been tweaked down. This will also affect the size and layout of several Shadowlands dungeons.

The return trip from Jobe Harbor to Jobe Research in Nascence is now a bit easier.
Jobe HarborからNasceneのJobe Researchまでの旅が少し簡単になります。

The new Newland Militia has taken upon itself to keep the neutral city safe.

After tweaking the weather control system Omni-Tek promises that rain will once again be present on Rubi-Ka.

A dungeon with a certain doctor and a Lollygagger will now spawn some monsters in the correct places instead of right inside the entrance.

The level restriction on leaving the Nascence Training Grounds has been removed.
Nascence Training Groundのレベルによる退去をなくしました。

Level restrictions on entering the different parts of the city of Jobe have been removed.

The Eastern Brink Roch Statue has been moved a bit to make it easier to spot.
The Eastern Brink Roch Statueをもう少し見つけやすい場所に動かしました。

The following portal stones have had their arrival locations corrected: from Garden of Ocra to Mirador, from Garden of Dalja to The Pool, and from Garden of Lord Galahad to Sorrow.
次のPortal stoneの到着場所を直しました。Garden of OcraからMirador、Garden of DaljaからThe Pool、Garden of Lord GalahadからSorrow。

"Lord Galahad Statue to Sanctuary" has been renamed to "Lord Galahad's Sanctuary Statue".
Lord Galahad Statue to SanctuaryをLord Galahad's Sanctuary Statueに名前を変えました。


Pets now abide by all restrictions imposed on their master concerning attacking towers.

The Meta-Physicist's heal pet will now ignore hunt commands.

Shadowlands pets are now receptive to pre-Shadowlands pet buffs.

We've added system messages regarding pets getting out of range from their master and aborting combat.


Shadowlands dungeons finally contain Shadowlands treasure, which should be more useful in Shadowlands. No more first aid kits and treatment labs.

Joker's Glyph is now available from a boss mob.
Joker's GlyphがボスモンスターのLootに登場します。

Inferno now contains some extra rewards.

The minimum damage on the JAME Blaster was a bit too high compared to the low requirements needed to equip it. We have lowered the minimum damage somewhat, but increased the maximum damage more to compensate for it. We have also increased the Max Beneficial Skill cap on the weapon.
JAME Blasterの最小ダメージは装備条件のわりに少し高すぎました。最小ダメージを多少下げた代わりに最大ダメージを増やしました。さらにこの武器の最大有効スキル限界を増やしました。

A bug that placed breed requirements on using several blueprints has been fixed.

Conscientious Knight and Sworn Knight armours now require both Strength and Stamina, but the requirement for each has been lowered.
Conscientious KnightとSworn Knight armourの装備条件をStrとStaにします。ですが、どちらも前より条件を下げました。

The Box of Nanocrystals will now provide Enforcers and Bureaucrats with a nano crystal for their own profession.
The Box of Nanocrystalsはエンフォーサーとビューロクラットに彼らの職業用のナノクリスタルを出すようになります。

Immortal Katanas below QL 200 now have proper requirements and stats again.
QL200以下のImmortal Katanaの装備条件と性能を正しくしました。

The Chimera firearms and the Basic Firearm can no longer be multi-wielded with melee weapons. Multi-wielding it with other firearms work now though.
The Chimera firearmsとthe Basic Firearmはもう他のメレー用武器と同時に持つことはできません。他の銃器と同時に持つことは可能です。

We have removed the Unique flag on the Canister of Pure Liquid Notum.
The Canister of Pure Liquid Notumはもうユニークアイテムではありません。

Corrected the wear requirements on the Blackpack.

The Ring that Turns Rocks can now be equipped by Adventurers and Fixers. No need to try developing schizophrenia and cover both professions.
アドベンチャラーとフィクサーはThe Ring that Turns Rocksを装備できるようになります。もう精神分裂病になって両方の職業になる必要はありません。

Scourged Bracer of Jobe now gives its damage bonuses upon wearing, not upon use.
Scourged Bracer of Jobeは装備することで追加ダメージを与えます。使用ではありません。

Flurry of Feathers will no longer give an incorrect error message when used.
Flurry of Feathersはもう間違ったメッセージを使ったときに出さないでしょう。

Added an icon for the Inamorata Tonfa and all its variations.
the Inamorata Tonfaとその派生にアイコンをつけました。

Fixed various visual bugs on several Shadowlands armours.

Changed the descriptions on corals.

Trade skills

Corrected an error in the trade skill process to upgrade Tier 1 Adventurer Suit into Tier 2.
Tier 1 Adventurer SuitをTier 2にする改良手順の誤りを直しました。

Perks and Shadowbreeds

The damage multiplier from the Enhanced Nano Damage perk line now works correctly.
Enhanced Nano Damage perk lineのダメージ増加を正しくしました。

The special attacks from the Reaver perk line will now scale in power based on the user's 2-Handed Edged skill for Enforcers, just like it already does for Keepers.
The Reaver perk lineの特殊攻撃はエンフォーサーの2HEのスキルに基づいた力で判定を行います。キーパーがすでにそうなっているようにです。

Several bugs with the Leadership action have been corrected; the icon now greys out upon use, the action description has been updated, and the description of the fourth rank of the Directorship perk line now includes that it adds the Leadership action.
The Leadership actionにあったいくつかのバグを直しました:使うと使用不能に見えるようになります。記述は更新されました。第4ランクのThe Directorship perk lineの記述にThe Leadership actionを付け加えました。

The Breach Defenses action is now possible to activate.
The Breach Defenses actionを実行可能になります。

The Battlegroup Heal 3 action icon now properly greys out when used.
The Battlegroup Heal 3を使ったとき、アイコンを正しく使用不能に見せます。

The Access Notum Source action will no longer give an incorrect error message when used.
The Access Notum Sourceを使ったときに間違ったメッセージはもうでないでしょう。

The level requirements for all Shadowbreed abilities have been set to 205.


Voice commands sent directly to other players are now played on your own computer, just like when you send the commands to a channel.

The massive Shadowlands dungeon doors will now have the correct sound attached to them.


"Player already logged in" messages should be less frequent. If you time out while attempting to log in your account should no longer be blocked with this message.

The Auto-Close Windows option is not off by default on new characters.

Spirits got their weapon-tracers removed.

Doors will no longer appear as open and immediately close when you see them the first time, but be closed from the start.

Corrected a refresh problem making it appear like an organisation advantage disappeared from the organisation contract if anybody but the leader tried to remove it.

Fixed a bug that would cause corpses in certain dungeons to appear far from where the creature was killed.

Preferences for spaceships are fixed. You can now turn them off if you wish to.

The mouse syrup fix introduced some time ago is now added to the visual preferences, and will be stored when you close the game client. The hotkey combination to toggle this option is now removed. Upon updating to 15.4.0 the option will be turned off by default. Note that the effect of the fix depends on your graphic card and drivers, and not everybody will want to turn it on.
以前に導入されたマウスカーソル位置修正はVisual Prefernceに加えられ、ゲームクライアントを終了するときに格納されます。このオプションを出し入れするホットキーは削除されました。15.4でデフォルト状態に戻されます。カーソル位置の影響はグラフィックカードとドライバーに依存し、誰にでも起きることでないことに注意してください。

The Voice volume slider no longer changes the normal sound effect volume.

Fixed an issue with opening and closing chests and other containers.

Fixed a bug with the Stats window not always updating the Attack and MeleeAC values.

Improved floor collision detection indoors, which should sort out some issues with getting stuck.

Fixed a collision detection error which allowed players to target creatures on the other side of walls if the target was close to the wall.

A rare server crash linked to spawning of monsters has been fixed.

Fixed a rare server crash linked to mission chests.

The window buttons in the upper right corner of the old user interface were still active though invisible in the new interface. These are now disabled in the new interface.

Shadowlands tweaking III
Update Thursday February 12th 2004
Version 15.4.1

Game system

A bug with teaming has been fixed.

Two changes to faction loss: You or your team need to do a substantial amount of damage on a creature to lose faction from killing it. Also, you can no longer lose more than 5% of your faction in one kill.

Fall damage has been turned off again.

A bug causing people to lose Shadowknowledge when re-enabling the Shadowknowledge question and answering it again has been fixed.

Monsters and Non-Player Characters (NPCs)

Hypnagogic Yutt-Chi Mord has reluctantly moved out of the 100% suppression area.
Hypnagogic Yutt-Chi Mordは100%抑制ガス地域からしぶしぶ移動しました。

Acolyte Senior Gal Bela is no longer involved the quest for the key to Lord Mordeth's sanctuary. Those seeking to complete this quest should look for Acolyte Gal Bela instead.
Acolyte Senior Gal BelaはもうThe key to Lord Mordeth's sanctuaryのクエストに関係しません。クエストを終えるには代わりにAcolyte Gal Belaを探してください。


The nano crystal vendors in the Inferno sanctuaries and Pandemonium gardens have made some additions to their stock.
Inferno sanctuarieとPandemonium gardenのナノクリスタル商人はいくつかの在庫を新たに増やしました。

The highest level incarnator in Inferno is now level 255.


Special urns and crystals can again be combined by Meta-Physicists to create pets.
メタフィジシストは再びペットを作るためにSpecial urnとcrystalを組み合わせることができます。

Nano Programs

Team empowered Bureaucrat charm programs now check the target's Psychic, not the Bureaucrat's.
ビューロクラットのTeam empowered Bureaucrat charmは本人のではなく、ターゲットのPsyをチェックするようになります。

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